Historical oil spill data with parameters such as date, location, spill quantity, tanker and station identification and weather conditions.
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Additional Information
Field | Value |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Description translated | {'en': 'Historical oil spill data with parameters such as date, location, spill quantity, tanker and station identification and weather conditions.', 'fr': "Données historiques sur les déversements d'hydrocarbures avec des paramètres tels que la date, le lieu, la quantité déversée, l'identification du camion-citerne et de la station et les conditions météorologiques."} |
Id | 548a14be-e9ab-4bed-88ff-5c05c0ba50e0 |
Mimetype | text/csv |
Name translated | {'en': 'historical_weather_and_spill_data.csv', 'fr': 'historical_weather_and_spill_data.csv'} |
On same domain | True |
Package id | cdd7375d-f805-4392-874b-839cfde5ba28 |
Position | 3 |
Resource locator protocol | WWW:LINK |
State | active |