Freshwater discharge data of the St. Lawrence River at Quebec City as computed by the hydrodynamic model "Qmec" developed by Bourgault and Matte [2020a, 2020b]. This represents an important update to the earlier method of Bourgault and Koutitonsky (1999) currently in use by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to produce monthly means (see: The new method is more accurate for monthly means and has a much finer temporal resolution as it produces hourly tidal values, from 1962 up until today.
The method uses water level measurements from the Neuville (station 3280) and the Saint-Francois I.O. (station 3100) tidal gauges. The discharge data time series is updated when the water level archive database is updated by DFO for these stations, that is about twice a year. See:®ion=MEDS&tst=1&perm=0
Two datasets are available. The first set contains the instantaneous hourly discharge and the second the daily averages. Daily averages are calculated from hourly data by applying a Godin filter of the type A24-A24-A25 in order to remove the effects of semi-diurnal and diurnal tidal modulation. See Bourgault and Matte [2020a] for more details.
Note that missing discharge values correspond to missing water level data at the Neuville tide gauge or that of Saint-François.
The method requires the following four calibration coefficients (for details, see line H-2a in Table 2 of Bourgault and Matte [2020a]):
C(1) = 1947.6881 (the equivalent width, Be)
C(2) = 20.3646 (the equivalent depth, he)
C(3) = -1.0785 (the hydraulic slope, delta zeta)
C(4) = 0.0416 (the friction coefficient, ne)
Note that the values of these parameters differ slightly from the values published in Table 2 of Bourgault and Matte [2020] (line H2-a). This is because a small change with no impact on data quality was made to the Qmec code after publication. For more details, see comments to lines 92-100 in the main code (Qmec.m), version 2.0 which is available at (see reference below in Bourgault and Matte [2020b]).