Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) compiles information on commercial fisheries (fishing effort and lobster logbooks) in an Excel table. These tables were provided to the AGHAMM for the communities of Gesgapegiag, Gespeg, and Viger for the period 2010-2015. The AGHAMM used these raw data to create maps for the Atlas of Mi'gmaq and Malécite sites and uses of the marine St. Lawrence. The species caught by the communities are snow crab, rock crab, northern shrimp, lobster, Greenland halibut, atlantic halibut, whelk, sea cucumber, and green sea urchin. Three types of maps were produced:
- sectors fished by species (whelk, lobster, rock crab, sea urchin, Atlantic halibut, and sea cucumber);
- the total quantity fished (kg) by species and by communities by DFO fishing quadrilateral (northern shrimp, snow crab, and Greenland halibut);
- the summary of commercial fisheries in number of species caught (polygons) and intensity of use of the territory (raster).
Disclaimer: The presented data should not be used as a substitute for consultation and dialogue with the communities.